Photo Editing Tricks, Part 8

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Today I am sharing again some 照片编辑技巧 to make your feed pop. One filter can totally transform your entire feed, even if you take normal, everyday photos (keep scrolling to see)!

Don’t be afraid to test different filters from different packs! Here is what you can get:

😍 One click = one photo transformation:

GB6 filter from Beauty Packbefore after83

FTN5 filter from Fitness Packbefore after82

CHO4 filter from Chocolate Packbefore after81

“Which filter pack should I use? 🧐”

Don’t be afraid to try different filters to your photos and find the one you like.

“Can I use more than one filter in my feed?”

Yes! I use filters from different packs and they work well together.
If you are new to the filter world, and you’re not sure where to start: just use one pack at the beginning. It will already make a huge difference in your feed.

Have fun editing your photos!


