How to send welcome emails (Thank you emails) to new clients (2025)

欢迎电子邮件是企业的强大工具,通常由电子邮件营销软件(如 获取响应) 给新客户留下良好的第一印象。您真的应该避免在 Outlook 或其他软件中手动发送这些电子邮件。欢迎电子邮件可以建立关系、增加参与度并提高客户保留率。
欢迎电子邮件也有助于通过折扣代码欢迎或传达有关您的产品或服务的重要信息以及它如何使收件人受益。这篇博文将讨论企业如何发送欢迎电子邮件(也称为 谢谢你的电子邮件) 有效地最大限度地提高客户参与度和保留率。
2. 制作有效欢迎邮件的技巧
Welcome emails are an essential part of any business’s success. Not only do they make a great first impression on new customers, but they also help to build relationships and create loyalty.
- 个性化
- 清晰简洁的主题行
- 热情友好的语气
- 相关信息
- 呼吁采取行动
2.1 个性化
Personalization in email automation is essential because it helps you to make an excellent first impression with new customers. It can help you introduce your brand, thank customers for choosing you, and offer incentives to encourage them to return. Personalizing emails means putting the customer’s name in the email or giving them special offers just for them. This makes them feel unique and more likely to use your product or service.
电子邮件自动化程序(如 获取响应) usually use shortcodes like [[name]] to put the customer’s name automatically in the text or a headline.
2.2 清晰简洁的主题行
It is essential to use clear and concise subject lines in email automation. This helps make an excellent first impression with new customers, making them more likely to read the email. You can automatically use shortcodes like [[name]] in the subject line or headline to include the customer’s name.
2.3 热情友好的语气
When sending emails to new customers, it is essential to be warm and friendly. This will help make an excellent first impression and show how much you value them. To do this, use friendly and welcoming words in your email text. For example, instead of saying “嗨客户,” try saying “你好[[名字]]!” This makes customers feel unique and more likely to use your product or service.
2.4 您的业务、产品或服务的相关信息
2.5 号召性用语
It is important to use call-to-action in email automation. This is how you get people to do something after they read your email, like click a link or buy a product. To use call-to-action in emails, add words that tell people what to do next, like “点击这里” or “现在下单“. When you do this, it helps more people take the action you want them to take.
3. 有效的欢迎邮件示例
Welcome emails are an essential part of any business’s success. Not only do they make a great first impression on new customers, but they also help to build relationships and create loyalty. But how exactly can you craft effective welcome emails that maximize customer engagement and retention?
示例 1:
亲爱的 [[名字]],
作为新客户,我们希望您以后继续选择我们来满足您的需求。 再次感谢您选择我们,欢迎加入我们的团队!
[品牌名称] 团队
示例 2:
问候 [[姓名]],
我们在 [Brand name] 在此感谢您决定加入我们!我们承诺为您提供最优质的服务和最好的产品。为了表示我们非常感谢您的选择,我们在您下次购买时提供了 20% 的独家优惠券代码 XXX。作为忠实的客户,我们的目标是确保满足您的所有需求,以确保我们的每一次体验都是独一无二的。让我们一起开始今天的旅程吧!欢迎登机!
[品牌名称] 团队
示例 3:电子商务商店
亲爱的 [[名字]],
Welcome to our e-commerce store! We are so excited you’ve decided to join us and experience how shopping with us can be made easier, more convenient, and more rewarding.
在 [Brand name],我们努力以合理的价格提供最优质的服务和产品。我们了解像您这样的客户能够轻松获得他们需要的东西是多么重要。无论是服装、电子产品、珠宝还是其他物品,我们保证您会在我们的商店中找到您想要的东西。为帮助您入门,我们在您首次购买时提供了独家 10% 折扣代码。
再次感谢您选择 [Brand Name] 来满足您的电子商务需求,欢迎加入!
[品牌名称] 团队
在 - 的里面 获取响应 您会发现许多随时可用的欢迎模板:
4. 发送欢迎邮件的最佳实践
We’ll discuss some best practices for sending welcome emails to ensure your customers have the best experience with your brand. We’ll cover timing, frequency, segmentation, targeting, testing, and optimization.
4.1 时间和频率
Regarding timing, it is generally best to send welcome emails as soon as possible after a customer signs up for your service or buys a product. This helps to create a sense of urgency and demonstrates your commitment to providing a great customer experience. It is also essential to make sure you don’t overload new customers with too many emails in a short period. Sending one or two welcome emails over a week is usually sufficient.
One way to determine how often to send welcome emails is through A/B testing. This involves sending out different versions of the same email at different times, then measuring the results to see which version yields the best engagement rate. For example, you could test two versions of a welcome email that goes out within the first week after someone signs up for your service – one sent immediately and one sent three days later.
Using customer segmentation when deciding how frequently to send welcome emails can also be beneficial. This allows you to tailor messages based on user behavior – such as how frequently they open emails or make purchases. By separating customers into segments, businesses can determine which groups respond more favorably to different messages and frequencies.
4.2 细分和定位
4.3 测试与优化
要测试和优化欢迎电子邮件,企业应使用 A/B 测试(始终是良好电子邮件营销系统的一部分,例如 获取响应) 来比较在不同时间发出的电子邮件的不同版本。这使企业能够衡量打开率和点击率 (CTR) 结果。此外,在制作消息时应使用客户细分,以便相关内容在正确的时间到达收件箱以实现最大参与度。
使用正确的工具(如 获取响应), and strategy in place, businesses of all sizes can benefit from how sending well-crafted welcome emails can help them build relationships with new clients while increasing sales over time. Now it’s up to you to implement these tips so that you can reap the rewards of successful customer engagement through welcoming email campaigns.