چگونه یک وبلاگ نویس مسافرتی شویم

زمان خواندن: 4 دقیقه

Your travel blog or a page on social media like Instagram, Pinterest or Youtube is a great tool, including for profit. But how and where to start? Learn it here.

Finding your style

Every second on Instagram travelers post hundreds of thousands of similar photos and videos: pictures with walk through the parks, a restaurants trying new dishes, going on yachts or swimming in the sea… I’ll start with a tip and immediately give an example. To become a well-known travel blogger, you need to find your style that will highlight you and make you a memorable author.

Some time ago taking a photo of an object or a soft toy against the background of a world-famous attraction was very popular. Your task is not to pick up and follow the mainstream, but to come up with your own idea.

I know how difficult it is to make one shot that reflects your personal emotions that you want to show when visiting a certain place. High-quality visual content for a travel blog is very important and has a big value. Why do you think collages have become so popular in the last few years? Because it is difficult to show the whole palette of emotions and moods that you have captured with one photo.

Of course, once you find a unique style that effectively shows your values, you will be able to skillfully reflect this in your photos. And then the next stage of “travel career growth” on Instagram or Blog opens – cooperation with well-known brands and the opportunity to become an ambassador of a certain brand. If you find a company whose values are similar to those of your blog, you can safely offer mutually beneficial cooperation. Or vice versa: if some brand liked the concept of your travel blog – go ahead and offer a cooperation.

Of course, to do this you need to have an impressive group of subscribers or followers on Instagram with high engagement. It is difficult to do it without a budget, but it is possible, if you are active and willing to spend a lot of time on the blog (remember writing does not cost anything but you need time), treat it as a job. Remember that the most famous bloggers are also people, once they all started from scratch.

Actively engage, comment, join other or groups, come up with some activity, run a flash mob and competitions. There are a lot of options! What you shouldn’t do for sure is sit and get upset that you’re wasting your time and the audience isn’t growing… It is better to ask the question: why? The audience will only grow if you do something.

Some popular travel bloggers



London photographer Rick McCor, transforms the usual tourist objects and the world around them, adding to them carved objects from paper. Original processing of familiar things and visual collaborations. Witty and interesting photos already bring their author a good income, and in the last six months Rick visited Singapore, Nanjing, Hong Kong, Valdizer, New York and Las Vegas. He spent one week in the resort town of Valdizer in France. His unconventional look helped many to look at the mountain slopes from a new height.


The food designer, who runs his gastronomic blog, lives in Bordeaux, France. The hotel chain is as tremulous as Laura treats food, offering exquisite gastronomic pleasures. Visiting the island of smiles and temples of Bali, enjoying Balinese healthy food and culinary master classes, Laura deliciously reflected this in her Instagram and food blog.


This bright profile of the Italian Olympia is impossible not to notice. Color, geometric shapes, pop art pictures. Of course, now there are applications that help to easily transform any image into a picture of pop art, but, you will agree, not everyone chooses this style and follows him. Consistency develops style.


Met Crump is a digital artist who lives and works in his studio apartment in London. He studied design at Kingston University, and completed an additional program and earned a degree in fine arts. The interweaving of these two directions formed the basis of his style. He is a quarter French, a quarter Moroccan, plus has British roots – an eclectic lifestyle is largely reflected in his work. But at the same time, it does not complicate photos, they have a lot of air. In his works there is one of the trends of graphic design – modern retro.


Clybe Huber from Los Angeles, graphic designer by training and vocation! It enhances the impression with bright colors, a combination of incongruous objects and unusual arrangement of elements. And you’ve noticed that he has a great sense of humor.


15-year-old Chinese woman Natalie loves to dream. Her photos vividly reflect the world through “pink glasses.”

As a conclusion: similar values that broadcast your image – that’s what will attract to you audience, it will follow you, inspiring even greater success. It should be noted that such partnership projects have a synergistic effect. Instagram-blogger-creative increases brand awareness through its audience of subscribers, which as a result brings him additional followers. And another secret: at the moment we are looking closely at Russian bloggers.

7 steps to make travel blog on Instagram popular

So, to successfully maintain a travel profile on Instagram, you need to follow a few simple tips:

  1. Quality. High-quality photo content in its unique style, in one tone, one direction. Create stories from a series of photos. Use Lightroom to process your photos in a specific theme.
  2. Information. Content and informative texts. Recent researches have shown that modern people draw information from an average of 6.6 channels. Person often does not have enough time to independently analyze the information received, so the information should be simple and concise.
  3. Frequency. Regularly post photos. Travel profile is a kind of beautiful travel magazine that comes out on a regular basis.
  4. Targeting. If you’re looking to increase the number of followers on your travel blog, an open profile and targeting location significantly increases the likelihood that your shot other users will notice.
  5. Personality. It is important that the author’s personality is visible in the travel profile on Instagram. Personal approach is an important component of success: mix photos from travel with your personal thoughts, selfies, communicate with your audience, learn its tastes, preferences.
  6. Give advice. Give subscribers practical advice: where to go, where to stay, where to taste gastronomic novelties, where to go, what to see, etc.
  7. Inspire. The main thing in the photos is inspiration, not a reflection of everyday life. The ability to look at the world differently, to see art objects in simple things, to shoot what you like is the formula of a successful travel blogger profile.
Interested to learn more?

I have created a guide specifically to learn everything I do from blogging, collaborations to growing on Instagram and more.

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